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Electricity in Namibia in 2021

Global Ranking: #88
39.9% #85 Low-carbon electricity
31.29 % #102 Electrification
169.64 watts #138 Generation / person
271.81 gCO2eq/kWh #60 Carbon Intensity

In Namibia, the electricity consumption landscape predominantly relies on low-carbon energy and net imports, the latter accounting for significant energy supplies with 2.19 TWh in 2021. Among the low-carbon sources, hydropower stands out as the main contributor generating 1.1 TWh, which is a sizable portion of Namibia's total low-carbon electricity generation of 1.5 TWh. When comparing to the global average of 410 watts per person, it is apparent that Namibia's levels of electricity generation are significantly lower. This low level of electricity generation could result in substantial challenges, limiting the development of industries that are energy-intensive and potentially hamstringing Namibia's economic growth.


To enhance its low-carbon electricity generation, Namibia could look to further capitalize on its potential in low-carbon technologies such as solar power. This is already a significant source of electricity in Namibia and its expansion could prove immensely beneficial. In addition, Namibia could draw inspiration from successful strategies demonstrated by countries with similar climate conditions. For instance, Australia, a country known for its abundant sunshine just like Namibia, has managed to generate substantial electricity, a whopping 48 TWh, from solar power. Adopting similarly successful strategies could accelerate the expansion of Namibia's solar sector.


Historically, Namibia's journey in the realm of low-carbon electricity has been mainly marked by the growth and fluctuations of hydropower generation. The period between 1992 and 2021 saw volatilities in hydropower production, with occasional yearly declines like those seen in 1992, 1993, 1996, and 1997 followed by recovery in subsequent years. For instance, after a decrease in 1996, there was a resurgence in 1997. In recent years, instability still prevails as the period from 2017 to 2021 alternated between growth and decline, despite an overall improvement observed in 2020. This suggests that, while hydropower has been a steady source of low-carbon electricity in Namibia, the country's potential to increase its clean energy output could be found in harnessing other low-carbon technologies.

Electricity Imports and Exports

Balance of Trade

Data Sources

For the years 1991 to 1999 the data source is IEA.
For the year 2000 the data source is Ember.
For the years 2001 to 2016 the data source is IEA.
For the years 2017 to 2021 the data source is Ember.
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